Core Performance Testing Principle:
Continual information and data sharing is critical to the efficiency and overall success of a performance testing project. Not all of this information and data sharing needs to take the form of a formal or semi-formal report. One effective approach is to send stakeholders summary charts and tables every day or two in an email with a key point statement. Use the feedback and questions from those stakeholders to guide what goes into the next formal or semi-formal report. This way you can gauge the needs of your audience before writing what’s intended to be a stand-alone or final document.
Keys to Reporting
The key to effective reporting is to present information of interest in a manner that is quick, simple, and intuitive to the intended audience. Below are some underlying principles to achieving effective reports.
Report early, report often
Report visually
Report intuitively
Use the right statistics
Consolidate data correctly
Summarize data effectively
Customize for the intended audience
Use concise verbal summaries using strong but factual language
Make the data available
Filter out any unnecessary data.
If reporting intermediate results include the priorities, concerns and blockers for the next several test execution cycles.
Technical Reports
Description of the test including workload model and test environment
Easy to digest data with minimal pre-processing
Access to the complete data set and test conditions
Short statements of observations, concerns, questions, and requests for collaboration
Stakeholder Reports
Criteria the results relate to
Intuitive, visual representations of the most relevant data
Brief verbal summaries of the chart or graph in terms of criteria
Intuitive, visual representations of the workload model and test environment
Access to associated Technical Reports, complete data sets and test conditions
Summaries of observations, concerns and recommendations
Learn more through PerfTestPlus Training
This topic is covered in the following PTP training courses:
- Scott Barber´s Performance Testing Software Systems: A Heuristic Approach
- Scott Barber's Principles Of Performance Testing (Designed for Managers and Executives)
- Scott Barber´s Performance Testing Software Systems: An Introduction
- Scott Barber's Performance Testing Software Systems; Applied (Using client's tool of choice)
- Scott Barber's Performance Testing the Front-End
- Scott Barber's Analyzing Performance Test Data
- Scott Barber's Designing Performance Tests with UCML™
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by: J.D. Meier, Scott Barber, Carlos Farre, Prashant Bansode, and Dennis Rea