PerfTestPlus Company Highlights
PerfTestPlus was incorporated on May 5, 2005 by Scott Barber with the intent of building a performance testing company that earned the respect of clients, peers and competitors alike. Today, PerfTestPlus is the performance testing consultancy most respected by the people who know and understand performance testing the best. In testimony to this respect, since incorporating PerfTestPlus has:
Provided services to:
Had clients referred by:
Provided training, presentations and Webinars for:
Software Testing Analysis and Review East (STAREast)
European conference on Software Testing Analysis & Review (EuroSTAR)
British Computing Society’s Special Interest Group in Software Testing (BCS SIGiST)
and many more...
Participated in invitation-only workshops including the:
Workshop on Teaching Software Testing (WTST)
Software Test Manager’s Roundtable (STMR)
London Exploratory Workshop on Testing (LEWT)
Software Testing in Financial Services workshop (STiFS)
Exploratory Testing Research Symposium (ExTRS)
Workshop on Heuristic and Exploratory Testing (WHET)
Austin Workshop on Test Automation (AWTA)
Contributed to publications such as:
Leading the Way
There are a lot of companies out there who are more than happy to keep right on selling you yesterday's products and services in today's packaging. PerfTestPlus isn't one of them. We feel that it is equally important to do our part in advancing the state of the practice by evolving, teaching and publicizing the state of the art.